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Where are we now in 2021

Where are we now in 2021

What a whirlwind and it’ll be Christmas before we know it! Here at Benefit Accounting, we always feel grateful and happy to be living and working in such a beautiful place and embrace the ever-changing rules that life now entails. With excellent accountants and bookkeepers at your disposal, we aim for you to feel valued and tax planning ready at all times! Click through for tax tips and our summary digest on where we are now in 2021

Business Health Check

Business Health Check

Business Survival Health Check, Grants, Lending Assistance and Inspiration. Let's talk business, cashflow, finance. Or if you've needed to put your business on ice until this saga passes, we can discuss strategies for when you see recovery. These are the times when all business owners need to adapt but potentially also take a breather. Grab our ideas here.

Single Touch Payroll (STP)

Single Touch Payroll (STP)

STP is designed to make more info available on myGov for employees so they can check their payroll data throughout the year and automatically for their tax all while allowing the ATO to keep a closer eye on employers to ensure PAYGW and Super are being reported and paid on time for employees. Here's a user-friendly video that explains.